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Inês Schranz-Jardim
Social Worker FH MAS. Mediator SDM

What I do
I accompany individuals, couples and families in conflict situations, in change processes and in the development of problem-solving strategies. 

My values

All of the services I provide are guided by my principles.

My principles are based on objectivity, non-discrimination and interpersonal solidarity. I work regardless of the nationality, residence status, sexual orientation and political, cultural and religious affiliation of the people I help.  

My vision

A world in which people seek and find a path to constructive conflict resolution. Through this, you can discover your own perspectives and try out and enjoy new ways of dealing with each other. 


My main areas of training

MAS: "Mediation in international child abductions. Possibility and limits of mediation taking into account the best interests of the child in child abduction proceedings."

Bachelor: "The three pillars of intercultural systemic counselling. The systemic solution-oriented approach in counselling migrants and their families."


For more information, see trainings below.





Master of Advanced Studies in Social Work and Law
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts 

Bachelor of Arts in Social Work
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland in Olten 

Bachelor in Business Administration

Universidades Positivo, Curitiba Brazil 

CAS Mediation and Conflict Competence
University of Fribourg

CAS Family Mediation

University of Applied Sciences Bern

CAS Mandate Management in Child and Adult Protection

University of Applied Sciences Bern  

CAS Social Secutity

Lucern University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Fun Fact

Fun Facts

When it comes to leisure, the three "A's" are my passion.


I am a hobby beekeeper. The bee world means inspiration to me. I am fascinated by the way bees organise themselves, communicate and what they ultimately produce.
Their efficiency and collective intelligence impress me.

Imkerei_14.04.13 (4).JPG


Since my youth, I have followed the traces of my ancestors. The need to follow my roots and thus my identity led to my fascination with family history.

Image by Anne Nygård

Attentiveness on foot

Moving step by step in mindfulness is meditation and concentration at the same time. I find peace and balance best on foot. The pilgrimage of "Via Frangigena" from Canterbury to Rome was like a greeting from the garden of paradise.

My motto: "The life journey is a pilgrimage"

Image by Toomas Tartes


Bem-vindos - Welcome – Bienvenue – Willkommen – Bienvenidos ! 

Bem-vindos - Welcome – Bienvenue – Willkommen – Bienvenidos ! 

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