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Mediation is a structured and systematic form of conflict resolution by a professional.

The mediator supports the parties to the conflict in reaching a consensual agreement that takes into account the needs and interests of both parties to the conflict.

More in the FAQs


  • Conflict management, analysis and recognition of conflict patterns

  • Developing solution options 

  • Drawing up an agreement together

  • Culture of appreciation and openness thanks to mediation

Binational partnership and family

Interkulturelle Zusammenleben

Do you live in a binational partnership or marriage and experience misunderstandings and difficult discussions because of this?

As parents, do you find it difficult to find a common approach to parenting issues?

Does your relationship suffer affecting our family life?

Does it perhaps even lead to conflicts and possible language barriers?

Mediation offers you a unique opportunity for communication and mutual understanding and to better shape your life together as a couple and as a family.

International mediation

Internationale Familienmediation

Can parents "kidnap" their own child?


Are you planning to go abroad with your child without your partner's consent? Are you afraid that your partner will go abroad with the children without your consent?


The main focus of international family mediation is on the needs of the children. In order to have regular and carefree contact for them with the absent parent, it is important that the parents make binding arrangements for contact between visits.


As parents, you process solutions that take into account the needs of the children and the separated families.

Angeordnete Mediation

Mandatory Mediation

Does the handing over of your children to your ex-partner repeatedly lead to conflicts?

As separated parents, do you keep getting into arguments about holiday planning, the children's leisure activities or school issues? Has it already reached the point where the child and adult protection authority (KESB or family court) has become involved?


I do support parents in sorting out and working through challenging situations.

Trennung und Scheidung

Separation, divorce and post-divorce

Do you wish for a separation or divorce together and would like it to be supported with regard to the interests and needs of all parties involved?

The aim of my work in this area is to work out a separation or divorce convention together with you that you are both convinced of. Would you like to avoid a conflict and, regardless of that, be allowed to address your claims fairly? As a mediator, it is important for me to support you in an impartial way so that the solution is not only coherent at the time of signing but also in the longer term.


A mediation session lasts 90 minutes on average. Each mediation is tailored to the individual needs of the parties and the complexity of the situation.


The frequency of the sessions is mutually agreed and at the end of each session the need for a further meeting is reviewed. Either party can stop the mediation at any time.


I charge for my services such as personal conversations, telephone calls or e-mails on a time basis. CHF 200.00 per hour.


The division of costs is negotiated between the parties at the beginning of the mediation or, in case of disagreement, usually divided equally between the parties.


A preliminary assessment of 30 to 45 minutes is free of charge. Agreed appointments are binding and can be cancelled free of charge up to 24 hours in advance. After that, the full amount is due.

Contact us

Please contact me and I will discuss your request with you.

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